Understanding Laravel Artisan.

6 min readJul 12, 2023



Laravel is a popular PHP framework known for its simplicity and elegance when it comes to web application development. One of its standout features is Artisan, a command-line interface (CLI) that ships with Laravel. Artisan provides a powerful set of tools to streamline development tasks, automate processes, and enhance productivity. In this article, we will explore what Laravel Artisan is, its core functionalities, and how you can effectively utilize it to build robust applications.

What is Laravel Artisan?

Laravel Artisan is a built-in command-line tool that comes bundled with the Laravel framework. It provides a consistent and intuitive interface for executing a wide range of development tasks, such as generating code scaffolding, managing database migrations, running unit tests, and more. Artisan leverages the power of the Symfony Console component, offering a flexible and extensible environment for developers to interact with their Laravel applications.

Getting Started with Artisan: To begin using Artisan, open your terminal or command prompt and navigate to the root directory of your Laravel project. Once there, you can execute Artisan commands by running

php artisan <command>

Common Artisan Commands: Artisan offers a plethora of commands that help automate various development tasks. Let’s explore some of the most frequently used ones:

1.Creating Code Scaffolding

Artisan provides a convenient way to generate boilerplate code for different components of your application. For example:

  • make:model creates a new Eloquent model.
  • make:controller generates a new controller.
  • make:middleware generates a new middleware class.
  • make:command creates a new Artisan command.

Creating a Model: The make:model command is used to generate a new Eloquent model, which represents a database table in your application. Eloquent models provide an expressive and intuitive way to interact with your database. To create a Post model, for example, run the following command:

php artisan make:model Post

This command will generate a Post.php file within the app/Models directory. You can then define relationships, accessors, mutators, and other methods in the generated model class.

Creating a Controller: Controllers serve as the intermediate layer between routes and your application’s logic. The make:controller command simplifies the creation of new controller classes. To generate a UserController, execute the following command:

php artisan make:controller UserController

This command will create a UserController.php file within the app/Http/Controllers directory. You can define various methods in this class to handle different HTTP requests and perform necessary actions.

Creating a Middleware: Middleware provides a way to intercept and process HTTP requests and responses in your application. The make:middleware command allows you to generate a new middleware class. For example, to create an Authenticate middleware, run the following command:

php artisan make:middleware Authenticate

This command will create an Authenticate.php file within the app/Http/Middleware directory. You can customize this middleware class to add authentication logic or perform other actions before allowing the request to proceed.

Creating an Artisan Command: Artisan commands are powerful tools to automate tasks and build custom functionality. The make:command command enables you to generate a new Artisan command. For instance, to create a SendEmails command, execute the following command:

php artisan make:command SendEmails

This command will generate a SendEmails.php file within the app/Console/Commands directory. You can define the behavior of this command by implementing the necessary logic in its handle method.

2.Managing Database Migrations

Laravel’s database migrations simplify the process of modifying and managing your application’s database schema. Artisan offers several commands to handle migrations, such as:

  • migrate runs all pending database migrations.
  • migrate:rollback reverts the last batch of migrations.
  • migrate:status displays the status of each migration.

Running Migrations: The migrate command is used to execute pending database migrations. It runs all outstanding migrations that haven't been executed yet. To run migrations, simply run the following command:

php artisan migrate

This command will apply any pending migrations and update your database schema accordingly. Running migrations ensures that your database structure stays in sync with your application’s codebase.

Rolling Back Migrations: Sometimes, you may need to revert one or more migrations. The migrate:rollback command rolls back the last batch of migrations. This command reverts the most recent set of migrations that were applied. To roll back migrations, use the following command:

php artisan migrate:rollback

This command undoes the last migration batch, effectively reversing the changes made to the database schema.

Displaying Migration Status: The migrate:status command provides you with the status of each migration. It displays whether a migration has been run or not. This can be useful when you have multiple migrations and want to keep track of their execution. To view the status of migrations, execute the following command:

php artisan migrate:status

This command will show a list of migrations along with their status, indicating whether they have been migrated or not.

Example Usage: Let’s consider an example where you have two migrations: 20220101000001_create_users_table.php and 20220102000001_create_posts_table.php. The former creates a users table, and the latter creates a posts table.

To execute the pending migrations and update the database schema, run the migrate command:

php artisan migrate

Suppose you realize that there was an error in the create_posts_table migration, and you need to revert it. You can use the migrate:rollback command to undo the last batch of migrations:

php artisan migrate:rollback

Finally, if you want to check the status of your migrations, you can use the migrate:status command:

php artisan migrate:status

This will display the status of each migration, indicating whether they have been migrated or not.

3.Running Tests

Artisan provides commands for running unit tests and generating test scaffolding. Some useful commands include:

  • test runs all tests within the application.
  • make:test generates a new test class.

Running All Tests: The test command allows you to run all tests within your Laravel application. It automatically detects and executes all the tests located in the tests/ directory. To execute all tests, simply run the following command:

php artisan test

This command will provide detailed output, indicating the success or failure of each test case.

Generating a Test Class: Creating test classes is essential for writing unit tests to verify the behavior of your application. Artisan provides the make:test command to generate a new test class. For instance, to create a UserControllerTest class, use the following command:

php artisan make:test UserControllerTest

This command will generate a new test class file within the tests/Feature directory. You can then modify the generated test class with your specific test methods.

4.Clearing Caches

Artisan includes commands to clear various caches used by Laravel, ensuring your application remains up to date. For instance:

  • cache:clear clears the application cache.
  • config:clear clears the configuration cache.
  • view:clear clears the compiled view files.

Clearing the Application Cache: The cache:clear command is used to clear the application cache. It removes all cached data, including views, routes, configurations, and other cached files. To clear the application cache, execute the following command:

php artisan cache:clear

This command is particularly useful when you make changes to your application’s configurations or other cached data that need to be refreshed.

Clearing the Configuration Cache: Laravel caches the configuration files to improve performance. When you modify the configuration files (located in the config/ directory), you need to clear the configuration cache to reflect the changes. The config:clear command clears the configuration cache. Run the following command to clear the configuration cache:

php artisan config:clear

After executing this command, Laravel will reload the configuration files, ensuring that any changes you made take effect immediately.

Clearing Compiled View Files: Laravel compiles your Blade templates into optimized PHP code for faster rendering. If you make changes to your Blade templates (located in the resources/views/ directory), you need to clear the compiled view files. The view:clear command clears the compiled view files. Use the following command to clear the compiled view files:

php artisan view:clear

This command ensures that any modifications you made to your Blade templates are reflected in the rendered views.

Custom Artisan Commands

In addition to the built-in commands, Artisan allows you to create your own custom commands tailored to your application’s specific needs. These custom commands can automate repetitive tasks or encapsulate complex functionality, providing a clean and maintainable solution.

To generate a new custom command, you can use the make:command command. Once generated, you can define the behavior of your command by implementing the necessary logic within its handle method.


Laravel Artisan serves as a powerful tool in the Laravel developer’s arsenal, simplifying common development tasks and increasing productivity. Its intuitive interface and extensive command list make it easy to automate repetitive tasks, generate code scaffolding, manage database migrations, run tests, and much more. By harnessing the full potential of Laravel Artisan, you can streamline your development workflow and focus on building high-quality applications efficiently. So, dive into Artisan, explore its capabilities, and unlock the true potential of Laravel development.




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